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The Rev'd M. Edwin Beckham

11th Rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal



Since I first came to Good Shepherd in February 2013, I have consistently been impressed by this parish's ethic of welcome. The welcome we offer as a parish community is grounded in God’s welcome of us, a welcome that we experience first and foremost as grace - God's unconditional love.


How much would you like to engage?


You’ll notice pretty quickly that there are a variety of approaches to engagement with the journey of faith at Good Shepherd, a truth that is reflective of both The Episcopal Church and our Anglican tradition.


  • Some people like to join us for worship on occasion. They are welcome.

  • Others worship more often and enjoy participating in our fellowship, formation, or engagement with the neighborhood. They are welcome.

  • Others want to commit formally to this parish community - this local instance of Christ's very Body - and so register the record of their baptism in the Parish Office and become members of The Episcopal Church at Good Shepherd (or if not yet baptized, prepare for this rite of full initiation into the Church and receive baptism on one of the great Baptismal feast days of the year). They are welcome.


First, know that each of these levels of commitment is a blessing to us, as we trust it is to you. Second, we encourage you to take further steps on the pilgrim journey of faith.


How can we support your walk?


After some time spent around Good Shepherd, folks often begin to move deeper into our community. They find places to exercise their baptized ministry, e.g. serving in worship by reading, singing in the choir, or administering the chalice; organizing fellowship, flowers, or children’s formation, caregiving in the nursery, etc. They pledge a portion of their financial resources to the ministry of Christ we share here.


Often, they choose a deeper level of commitment to the faith through being Confirmed, Received, or Reaffirming their Baptismal Vows in a special liturgy led by the bishop. More information on all of this is available on our Membership page. These further steps speak to the joy and meaning people find in seeking to better love God and love neighbor, and doing so together in a community of fellow pilgrims.

I don’t know what has brought you to the doors of this parish..but I am delighted you are here. That desire to be a part of God’s people and to know God in community is the most important step on the journey.


I do hope that I get an opportunity to meet you. I hope that you stick around after our Sunday worship for coffee fellowship - so much more than just coffee! - to get to know people. I hope that you investigate our substantial outreach to the local neighborhood. Above all, I hope that you find where God is calling you to exercise your baptized ministry, both among us and in the comings and goings of your daily life.


No matter who you are, no matter your comfort level with the Christian faith, no matter your familiarity with The Episcopal Church or with our life here at the Church of the Good Shepherd, on behalf of the Vestry and people of this parish, it is my delight and honor to welcome you among us.

Rev'd M. Edwin Beckham


At the Church of the Good Shepherd, we strive to worship God in the beauty of holiness. We allow ourselves to be formed as disciples of Jesus and grow continually into the image of Christ. We also partner with others to serve Christ next door, in Newton County, and in the world.




4140 Clark Street SW

Covington, GA 30014


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